Pupil Premium is given as additional funding from the Government to all schools for all pupils entitled to Free School meals. Research has shown that sometimes children entitled to the pupil premium grant do not achieve as highly as their peers. The reasons for this are many and varied and our school works with families to address all learning disadvantages. If your child receives free school meals, they will be entitled to pupil premium for a minimum of 6 years.
If you think you may be eligible, please see Mrs Rood or ask at the office.
There are a variety of ways this money is spent. These can include:
TA support in class. Sometimes this is to work with other children to allow the qualified teacher to provide targeted support to Pupil Premium children.
- Intervention groups e.g. Spellings, handwriting, maths, coordination
- Individual support work, including emotional literacy work with children
- Subsidised trips/clubs/residential visits
- Engaging curriculum- including PE, swimming, outdoor education.