E-Safety is very important within today’s ever changing world. Here at Spaxton School we take E-safety very seriously and we continually reinforce staying safe on the internet, within lessons, and any general use around the school.
Please take the time to read the helpful hints and links we have given below to help teach your child how to stay safe at home and in the wider world.
E-safety covers many areas of our lives. We teach how to stay safe using electronic devices in school.
What about the children's use of electronic devices at home?
Golden rules for keeping your child safe at home: Access - Where can your child access the wider world?
Phones, tablets, laptops and games consoles can all give children the opportunity to surf the web or talk to others. If your child is using these devices in the privacy of their own room or away from adults there is a temptation to look at, or say things which they wouldn't when an adult is present.
Keep these devices in a main room of the house, the living room or the kitchen are ideal. Children shouldn't hide away what they are looking at or saying online. Be aware of why they need the device and what they are doing with it.
Parental controls
As a parent or carer it can be difficult to monitor what your child is upto online. Most parents and carers trust their children online, but it can be easy for a child to stumble across things that might upset or disturb them.
Filtering and moderation packages are a good way to stop the majority of inappropriate and harmful content coming into your home. They are a tool to help you set and change online boundaries in line with your child’s development. There are some great packages out there, some are free and some come at a cost. Make sure you get one that suits your family’s needs and budget.
Reach an agreement
A good way to set boundaries with your child about what they can and can’t do online is to set an agreement with them. Here are some examples of the areas you might want to discuss:
· Limits on the amount of time your child spends online, or playing computer games.
· Having regular screen breaks – at least five minutes every 45-60 minutes.
· Not sharing any pictures they wouldn’t be happy to share with you.
· Not giving out personal details, such as mobile phone number and address, to people they don’t know and trust.
· Coming to you if they are concerned. Or, if not, knowing where they can go for independent help and support.
The document below contains extracts from the Vodafone Digital Magazine with helpful tips on parental controls within the home. Please click on the link.